Environment variables
Blobscan Web
Variable | Description | Required | Default value |
DATABASE_URL | PostgreSQL database URI | Yes | (empty) |
FEEDBACK_WEBHOOK_URL | Discord webhook URL for feedback | No | (empty) |
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME | Network name | No | mainnet |
NEXT_PUBLIC_BEACON_BASE_URL | Beacon explorer URL | No | |
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOBSCAN_RELEASE | Blobscan version | No | (empty) |
NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPPORTED_NETWORKS | Link to other pages from the Network menu | No | [{"label":"Ethereum Mainnet","href":""},{"label":"Gnosis","href":""},{"label":"Holesky Testnet","href":""},{"label":"Sepolia Testnet","href":""}] |
NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_ANALYTICS_ENABLED | Enable Vercel analytics | No | false |
NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN_WEB | Sentry DSN | No | (empty) |
NODE_ENV | Used in Node.js applications to specify the environment in which the application is running | No | (empty) |
SENTRY_PROJECT | Sentry project name | No | (empty) |
SENTRY_ORG | Sentry organization | No | (empty) |
METRICS_ENABLED | Expose the /metrics endpoint | No | false |
TRACES_ENABLED | Enable instrumentation of functions and sending traces to a collector | No | false |
NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_ID | PostHog project API key used for tracking events and analytics | No | (empty) |
NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_HOST | Host URL for the PostHog instance used for analytics tracking | No | |
Blobscan API
Variable | Description | Required | Default value |
CHAIN_ID | EVM chain id | Yes | 1 |
DATABASE_URL | Postgresql database URI | Yes | (empty) |
REDIS_URI | Redis host | Yes | redis://localhost:6379/1 |
SECRET_KEY | Shared key used for JWT authentication with the indexer | Yes | (empty) |
NETWORK_NAME | Network's name (valid values are: mainnet , holesky , sepolia , gnosis , chiado , devnet ) | No | mainnet |
BLOBSCAN_API_BASE_URL | API domain | No | http://localhost:3001 |
BLOBSCAN_API_PORT | API port | No | 3001 |
DENCUN_FORK_SLOT | Custom slot when blobs are activated (use when NETWORK_NAME=devnet ) | No | (empty) |
METRICS_ENABLED | Expose the /metrics endpoint | No | false |
TRACES_ENABLED | Enable instrumentation of functions and sending traces to a collector | No | false |
NODE_ENV | Used in Node.js applications to specify the environment in which the application is running | No | (empty) |
SENTRY_DSN_API | Sentry DSN | No | (empty) |
GOOGLE_SERVICE_KEY | Google Cloud service key | No | (empty) |
GOOGLE_STORAGE_ENABLED | Store blobs in Google Cloud Storage | No | false |
GOOGLE_STORAGE_API_ENDPOINT | Google Cloud API endpoint (for development) | No | (empty) |
GOOGLE_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME | Google Cloud Storage bucket name | No | (empty) |
GOOGLE_STORAGE_PROJECT_ID | Google Cloud project ID | No | (empty) |
POSTGRES_STORAGE_ENABLED | Store blobs in postgres database (default storage) | No | false |
SWARM_DEFERRED_UPLOAD | Determines if the uploaded data should be sent to the network immediately or in a deferred fashion | No | true |
SWARM_STORAGE_ENABLED | Store blobs in Ethereum Swarm | No | false |
SWARM_BATCH_ID | Batch ID of the Ethereum Swarm stamp | If SWARM_STORAGE_ENABLED=true | (empty) |
BEE_ENDPOINT | Bee endpoint | No | (empty) |
FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE_ENABLED | Store blobs in filesystem | No | false |
FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE_PATH | Store blobs in this path | No | /tmp/blobscan-blobs |
WEAVEVM_STORAGE_ENABLED | Weavevm storage usage | No | false |
WEAVEVM_STORAGE_API_BASE_URL | Weavevm API base url | No | |
WEAVEVM_API_KEY | API key required to authenticate requests to the WeaveVM blob storage reference updater endpoint | No | (empty) |
STATS_SYNCER_DAILY_CRON_PATTERN | Cron pattern for the daily stats job | No | 30 0 * * * * |
STATS_SYNCER_OVERALL_CRON_PATTERN | Cron pattern for the overall stats job | No | */15 * * * * |
SWARM_STAMP_CRON_PATTERN | Cron pattern for swarm job | No | */15 * * * * |
BLOB_PROPAGATOR_COMPLETED_JOBS_AGE | Remove completed jobs after the specified number of seconds (default: 1 day) | No | 86400 |
BLOB_PROPAGATOR_FAILED_JOBS_AGE | Remove completed jobs after the specified number of seconds (default: 7 days) | No | 604800 |
POSTHOG_ID | PostHog project API key used for tracking events and analytics | No | (empty) |
POSTHOG_HOST | Host URL for the PostHog instance used for analytics tracking | No | |
Blobscan indexer
Variable | Description | Required | Default value |
BEACON_NODE_ENDPOINT | Beacon node RPC endpoint | Yes | (empty) |
BLOBSCAN_API_ENDPOINT | Blobscan API endpoint | Yes | (empty) |
EXECUTION_NODE_ENDPOINT | Execution node RPC endpoint | Yes | (empty) |
SECRET_KEY | Shared key used for JWT authentication with API | Yes | (empty) |
NETWORK_NAME | Automatically start from the slot when blobs were activated (valid values are: mainnet , holesky , sepolia , gnosis , chiado , devnet ) | No | mainnet |
DENCUN_FORK_SLOT | Custom slot when blobs are activated (use when NETWORK_NAME=devnet ) | No | (empty) |
RUST_LOG | Configure logger | No | blob-indexer=INFO |
SENTRY_DSN | Sentry DSN | No | (empty) |
These variables are used in the docker compose files we provide.
Variable | Description | Required | Default value |
EXTERNAL_API_PORT | Blobscan API will be exposed on this port | Yes | (empty) |
EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT | Blobscan website will be exposed on this port | Yes | (empty) |
BLOBSCAN_TAG | Blobscan docker image tag | Yes | (empty) |
INDEXER_TAG | Blobscan-indexer docker image tag | Yes | (empty) |